“Sincerity is an
openness of heart, we find it in very few people; what we usually see is only
artful dissimulation to win the confidence of others” – La Rochefoucauld,
While signing letters we often write “Sincerely Yours”. Have you
ever wondered how the word sincere evolved? The word “sincerity” indeed has an extremely
interesting origin. At the height of Rome’s fame when the Tiber River was lined
with noble palaces made of the choicest marble, men vied with each other in the
construction of these dwellings. Immense sums of money were paid for the gifted
sculptors. However some less skilled artisans resorted to deceitful tricks to
maintain their position. If they accidently chipped the edges of the stone or
discovered some conspicuous flaw in their carving they would fill up the chink
or mask the deficiency with a specially prepared wax that looked exactly like
marble. Sometimes their deception would not be discovered for months on end,
until extreme heat caused the wax to melt and dislodge. Hence those who decided
to erect additional mansions began to insert a clause in the contract to the
effect that the work from first to the last was to be ‘sine cera’ that is “without
wax”. Thus we derived our word sincere/ sincerity, which mean “to avoid any
attempt to misrepresent”.
Let us then not ‘wax’ up our faults for this is not sincere!
It is extremely important for all of us to be sincere, honest, and truthful in
all that we say and all that we do. Very often we find it easier to shade the
truth, and gloss up the facts. One of the distinguishing marks of the character
of Jesus was His complete honesty. Being Truth incarnate His word can always be
relied upon. It is beyond question.
White lie is one of the most common evils of our day. God
cannot tolerate lies and deceitful soft soaping. He deserves within and
without. Let us hence not bluff one another! Pretending to be that which we are
not is living a lie. Being silent when we know the truth is also being insincere.
Silence speaks and often does so very loudly!
If we are honest we will be sincere. Our God is a sincere
personality and hence He lays a high premium on sincerity.
The older brother of Insincerity is Stealing. Stealing has
different forms and often will not be recognized. It may be a carelessly
prepared income tax return, taking a full salary for half hearted work, or even
no work at all. Underpaying an employee or employing persons in jobs not
corresponding to their expertise and qualifications, and then underpaying them
amounts to cheating and robbing. One can be very insincere as far as promises are
concerned; broken promises emerge from an insincere attitude. Keeping one
waiting or going late for an appointment or for class also amounts to robbing
-- robbing others of their time! All who encourage flattery; nepotism, discrimination,
and bias are all different flavors of dishonesty. Pretending to be happy when
the heart is in distress and worried or just the opposite are all the forms of insincerity
- of nurturing the wax that glosses up the facts and the reality and are absolutely
“There should be more
sincerity and heart inhuman relations, more silence, and simplicity in our
interactions. Be rude when you’re angry, laugh when something is funny. And answer
when you’re asked” ~~Anton Chekhov, Letter to A.P. Chekhov, Oct. 13, 1888.
~~ Crystal David John